Yuriy Shuisky, Galina Vykhovanetz, Aleksey Davydov
For states in the Black Sea region, coastal sciences are very important because they have pomposity significance for the usage of natural resources and construction projects by seaports, coastal defense, recreation, and touristic institutions, etc. During the last period, the science was named «teaching about sea coasts». But current practice expects more perfection from the theory and practical possibilities. This work aims to analyze the current state and theory of coastal studies as a geographical science and its practical possibilities in various branches of economic activity. Coastal sciences are one of the multigeographical sciences, with practical directions (for the evolution of geography in general, in education, buildings, natural resources usage, recreation, navigation, hydrotechnical construction, nature defense, and so on). The paper analyzes new, more advanced research information about the nature of the coastal zone of the sea. Based on this information, a fundamental, more complete update of the doctrine of the coastal zone of the sea was carried out, and a systematic physical and geographical science of the exogenous environment was created at the contact of the active mutual influence of land and sea, along with the continental environment and the oceanic environment as part of the geographical shell. The article summarizes the latest provisions of the methodology of coastal marine research in connection with the emergence of new requirements from economic practice, the advent of scientific and theoretical approaches, principles, and methods, the use of new instruments and equipment, and the development of natural science methodology. This made it possible to harmonize the higher quality of the research material with the current state of the coastal zone and, on this basis, formulate a number of regularities and scientific concepts. They are very effective for practical use. The presented materials, conclusions, concepts, improved research methodology, and accumulated experience made it possible to develop, formulate, evaluate, and apply a number of practical applications in the areas of geographical science, coastal education, engineering, and industrial practice to ensure rational environmental management on the seacoasts. As a result, it was possible to develop the foundations of the development strategy for the coastal zone of the sea, which make it possible to preserve the useful properties of coastal systems and preserve the constructed economic facilities. In turn, monitoring building sites allows us to improve the elements of this strategy and gain experience for the future development of science.
sea coasts, the origin of actions, the evolution of the science, coastal sciences, methods, theory, practice
Problems of Geography, 2023, Vol.3-4, DOI: 10.35101/prg-2023.3-4.1
Author information:
Author: Yuriy Shuisky
Affiliation: Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University
Author: Galina Vykhovanetz
Affiliation: Odesa I.I.Mechnikov National University
Author: Aleksey Davydov
Affiliation: Kherson State University
How to cite:
Shuisky, Y., Vykhovanetz, G., & Davydov, A. (2024). Современное состояние береговедения и его практическое значение. Problems of Geography, 2023, Vol.3-4, p. 3-14.