Geophysical fields in the Eastern Rhodopes Mountain and their connection to the rocks lithological-petrographic characteristics and the geological structures
Atanas Kisyov
The process of solving all predictive tasks is always, to one degree or another, associated to an element of ambiguity. For example, the traditional concept of metallogenic prediction is based on the idea that taking into account only a few basic geological factors, the problem can be most effectively solved regardless of the fact that virtually all geological and geophysical data are statistical in nature. In addition, the functional relationships between the geological and geophysical parameters and the ore deposits are complex and multivariate. Therefore, the idea of directing the prediction strategy to the complex processing and analysis of all available information and determining the relationship between the structure of the studied fields (geophysical, geological, geochemical, etc.) and the specific geological conditions is becoming more and more convincing. The use of transformations of potential fields is widely used in order to determine the effect of various geological anomalies.
potential fields, predicting, gravity field, aero-gamma spectrometry
X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, DOI:
Author information:
Author: Atanas Kisyov
Affiliation: University of Mining and Geology “St. Ivan Rilski”, Department of Applied Geophysi
How to cite:
Kisyov, A. (2021). Геофизични полета в Източни Родопи и връзката им с литолого-петрографските характеристики на скалите и геоложките структури. X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, p. 125-138.