Problems of Geography, 2017, Vol.3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.35101/PRG-2017.3.2
Ivan Drenovski

Bulgaria is situated on the border between the subtropical and moderate continental climatic zones in Europe. Most researchers working on climate regionalization in our country distinguished two or three climatic zones. One of the main criteria for their differentiation is related to the distribution of rainfall during the year. For this purpose in Bulgarian climatology is used the so-called “Index of continentality” of precipitation. In order to better take into account the differences between the moderate continental and Mediterranean type of rainfall regime, a new formula is proposed for calculating the indicator under the new name – “Coefficient of continentality”. The observation data for a number of stations in the country are compared for different periods. On this basis are made conclusions on the expedience of using the indicators and their adequacy, taking into account the peculiarities of the two main types of precipitation regimes in Bulgaria.

moderate and Mediterranean precipitation regime, index and coefficient of continentallity, cold and warm part of the year

Author information:
Author: Ivan Drenovski
E-mail: idri_swu@.bg
Affiliation: South-West University “Neofit Rilski”

How to cite:
Drenovski, I. (2017). ОТНОСНО ИНДЕКСА (КОЕФИЦИЕНТА) НА КОНТИНЕНТАЛНОСТ НА ВАЛЕЖИТЕ В БЪЛГАРИЯ. Problems of Geography, 2017, Vol.3, p. 5-11. https://doi.org/10.35101/PRG-2017.3.2