Problems of Geography, 2020, Vol.3, DOI:
Zoya Mateeva
The microclimatic conditions in the caves are very specific in comparison with the climate outside them. The extremes of outdoor climatic manifestations are difficult to reach inland cave spaces. Their microclimate is mainly determined by the temperature, humidity, air moving, and gas composition of the cave air. The transition between the external climate and that one inside the caves in most cases shows a significant degree of contrast. This places the thermo-adaptation system of the human organism under conditions of extreme strain and induces relevant thermo-physiological risks to humans. What is the extent of these risks and how they can be mitigated – this is a question of the present study that will be considered in the context of its bioclimatic parameterization. The purpose of this study is to trace how the main climatic elements in caves change compared to places outside them, what are the corresponding changes in the human heat balance and of the complex human thermal comfort, what are the risks of cave bioclimate, and what are its resources, in terms of human bio-comfort, and of human activity in cave conditions, and what actions could be taken to reduce these risks and / or adapt to them. To achieve the set multi-layered goal, the research will go through the following 4-step methodological approach: Review of the parameters of basic climatic elements in cave conditions; Parameterization of the human body heat balance and the human thermal comfort of in cave conditions; Analysis of the risks and resources of the cave microclimate in terms of human bioclimatic comfort; Identification of a package of measures for risk reduction. The obtained results show that the specific climatic conditions of the caves contain significant resources, as well as dangers in terms of the human biocomfort. It can be thermally influenced as well as by the properties of the air quality.Thermal comfort can benefit from the permanence of the cave bioclimate, but at the same time it can be at risk in the contrasting transition from outdoor conditions to those inside the caves, as well as in a longer stay with inappropriate clothing and exercise. The quality of ambient air can be beneficial for certain diseases by the presence of some mineral salts, minerals and gas particles, but at high concentrations, such as of CO2, Rn et al., it can become a danger to the human organism.To optimize the use of the cave bioclimatic resources and protect the men from the risky bioclimatic potential, the work ends with offering a set of appropriate measures.
human bioclimatic comfort, caves’climate, cave’s bioclimatic risks and resources, adaptation measures
Author information:
Author: Zoya Mateeva
Affiliation: National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS, department of Geography, str. Acad. G. Bonchev, bl. 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria
How to cite:
Mateeva, Z. (2020). Биоклиматичен комфорт на човека: рискове и ресурси на пещерния микроклимат. Problems of Geography, 2020, Vol.3, p. 29-45.