Problems of Geography, 2020, Vol.3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.35101/PRG-2020.3.5
Karel Turek, Petar Stefanov, Hana Orčíková

More than 8 years of radon (Rn-222) monitoring was carried out to cover a seasonal variability in Saeva dupka cave. Radon can serve as tracer for cave microclimate, air ventilation and circulation studies. Radon monitoring is also important due to the issue of personnel radiation safety of guides and cavers. Track etch detectors placed inside plastic chambers were used for the radon activity concentration determination. Chambers were located at several measuring points inside the cave, exposure times varied among 1 week and 3 to 5 months. Long term courses of radon activity concentration show periodical trend with the remarkable peak in the turn of summer and autumn every year. Seasonal maximum and average values of radon concentration were calculated and used for estimation of the effective doses to guides related to the real time spent inside the cave. The obtained values of doses are close to the reference level for radon work places (6 mSv/year) and therefore continual radon monitoring is necessary with respect to radiation safety of guides.

Saeva dupka cave – Rn-222 monitoring – Track etch detectors – Radon activity concentration – Seasonal variability – Effective doses – Radiation risk

This research started along the International Research Project „Development of an experimental model of complex monitoring for sustainable development and management of Protected Karst Territories” (ProKARSTerra), supported by the Bulgarian Science Fund (No. DO 02.260/18.12.2008). Studies have been conducted also thanks to the support provided by a bilateral international research agreement between the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the Czech Academy of Sciences: through the projects “Radionuclide methods in experimental design of an integrated monitoring of karst geosystems” (2011-2013) and “Application of radiocarbon dating in the research of karst systems” (2014-2016) between Experimental Laboratory of Karstology of NIGGG – BAS and Department of Radiation Dosimetry of Nuclear Physics Institute – AN CR. Research continues in the framework of the new International project of the Bulgarian Science Fund “Current impacts of global changes on evolution of karst (based on the Integrated monitoring of model karst geosystems in Bulgaria)” (ProKARSTerra-GlobalChange) (No. DN 4/10 from 20.12.2017).

Author information:
Author: Karel Turek
E-mail: turek@ujf.cas.cz
Affiliation: Nuclear Physics Institute – Czech Academy of Sciences

Author: Petar Stefanov
E-mail: psgeo@abv.bg
Affiliation: National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS, department of Geography, str. Acad. G. Bonchev, bl. 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Author: Hana Orčíková
Affiliation: Nuclear Physics Institute – Czech Academy of Sciences

How to cite:
Turek, K., Stefanov, P., & Orčíková, H. (2020). Radon (Rn-222) concentration in Saeva dupka cave and estimation of effective doses for guides. Problems of Geography, 2020, Vol.3, p. 101-117. https://doi.org/10.35101/PRG-2020.3.5