Problems of Geography, 2020, Vol.3, DOI: https://doi.org/10.35101/PRG-2020.3.8
Ekaterina Shilegarska, Tsvetelina Toleva, Petko Petkov, Albena Pophristova

The karst region of Zlatna Panega village has been interesting for many years with regards to extraction of the main carbonate rocks that are used as a material for cement manufacturing. The impact of quarry on the karst environment and particularly on the groundwater system in term of quality and quantity is of particular importance to “Zlatna Panega Cement“ AD and therefore the company takes this into consideration when it develops its mining program and when it introduces specific monitoring activities aiming at protection of karst phenomenon as well as at preservation of unique karst ecosystems. The company has based its quarry operations and nature preservation activities on scientific studies and monitoring results of many years and it is looking further to develop the quarry with a positive ecological impact. For this reason, “Zlatna Panega Cement” AD conducts yearly seismic measurements, monitoring of underground water and monitoring of the flora and fauna in the area of the quarry.

karst, underground water, monitoring, seismic measurements, quarry, biodiversity

Author information:
Author: Ekaterina Shilegarska
E-mail: ekaterina.shilegarska@titan.bg
Affiliation: “Zlatna Panega Cement” AD

Author: Tsvetelina Toleva
E-mail: tsvetelina.toleva@titan.bg
Affiliation: “Zlatna Panega Cement” AD

Author: Petko Petkov
E-mail: petko.petkov@titan.bg
Affiliation: “Zlatna Panega Cement” AD

Author: Albena Pophristova
E-mail: albena.pophristova@titan.bg
Affiliation: “Zlatna Panega Cement” AD

How to cite:
Shilegarska, E., Toleva, T., Petkov, P., & Pophristova, A. (2020). Karst Monitoring at Zlatna Panega Quarry. Problems of Geography, 2020, Vol.3, p. 145-156. https://doi.org/10.35101/PRG-2020.3.8