Velimira Stoyanova, Boian Koulov, Bilyana Borisova, Nikolay Rachev

In the last decades of the 20th century and at the beginning of the 21st century, the issue of protecting the environment and reducing the risk of adverse natural disasters around the world and in Bulgaria is very high on the public agenda. The purpose of this publication is to review research on natural disasters and policies for environmental protection around the World. European environmental policy is based on the principle of precautionary measures, preventive action, and removal of pollution at its source, as well as the “polluter pays” principle. The main topics of EU environmental policy are combating climate change; biodiversity, land use, and forestry; water protection and management; air and noise pollution; efficient use of resources and creating a circular economy, sustainable consumption, and production; decreasing the use of chemicals and pesticides in agriculture. In Bulgaria, the topic of environmental protection is also receiving increasing importance. In the latest Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria from 1991, five articles are devoted to the protection of the environment. The main challenges for the country in this field are the implementation of EU environmental legislation and the respective policies, especially improving air quality, ensuring proper collection and treatment of urban waste and wastewater; nature protection legislation; adoption of a comprehensive program and action plan on circular economy. Given the above goals and challenges, a Decision of the Council of Ministers № 577/17.08.2018 was approved on 06.12.2018, according to which the Ministry of Education and Science set up and financed Agreement № Д0-230/06-12-2018 about starting a National Science Program (NSP), entitled “Protection of the environment and reducing the risk of adverse events and natural disasters”. The program’s purpose is to conduct fundamental and applied scientific research to ensure a sustainable, favorable, and safer living environment for the current and future population of the Republic of Bulgaria.

climate change, earthquakes, floods, COVID 19

Problems of Geography, 2023, Vol.1-2, DOI: 10.35101/prg-2023.1-2.7

Author information:
Author: Velimira Stoyanova
Affiliation: National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS, department of Geography, str. Acad. G. Bonchev, bl. 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Author: Boian Koulov
Affiliation: Institute for Climate, Atmosphere and Water Studies – BAS

Author: Bilyana Borisova
Affiliation: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Author: Nikolay Rachev
Affiliation: Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

The present research is conducted in connection with the implementation of National scientific program (NNP) “Protection of the environment and reduction of the risk of adverse phenomena and natural disasters”, approved by decision of the Council of Ministers No. 577/17.08.2018. and financed by the Ministry of Education and Science (Agreement No. D01-271/09.12.2022).

How to cite:
Stoyanova, V., Koulov, B., Borisova, B., & Rachev, N. (2023). Природни бедствия и политики за опазване на околната среда през XXI век. Problems of Geography, 2023, Vol.1-2, p. 107-129.