Geodetic surveys of BAB "St. Kliment Ohridski" on Livingston Island and their contribution to the study of modern geophysical processes

Borislav Alexandrov, Lyubka Pashova

The report briefly presents modern geodetic surveys of Livingston Island, conducted after 1998 at the Bulgarian Antarctic Base “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Activities for mapping the topography of the island and the seabed are summarized. The main results of the processing and analysis of the data collected from measurements performed during the 28th National Antarctic Expedition, season 2019-2020 are considered. In the context of global changes and the growing anthropic pressure on the environment, geodetic observations and research contribute to clarifying the mechanisms of interaction of complex processes in the BAB region.

GNSS, tide gauge, geodynamical processes, Livingston Island

X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, DOI:

Author information:
Author: Borislav Alexandrov
Affiliation: University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy

Author: Lyubka Pashova
Affiliation: National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS, str. Acad. G. Bonchev, bl. 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

The authors express their gratitude to the Bulgarian Antarctic Institute for the support for the participation of Assoc. Prof. Borislav Alexandrov in 6 Antarctic expeditions and the information provided for this report.

How to cite:
Alexandrov, B., & Pashova, L. (2021). Геодезически изследвания на БАБ „Св. Кл. Охридски“ на о-в Ливингстън и приносът им за изучаване на съвременни геофизични процеси. X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, p. 1-10.