Long-term usе of remotely sensed spectral measurements data

Denitsa Borisova, Doyno Petkov , Ventzeslav Dimitrov

The long-term use of data from remote spectral measurements, as well as their sharing, is a fundamental scientific task. This report presents the study on the structure and design of spectral libraries. Spectral libraries or libraries from remote spectral measurement databases are an important tool for storing, managing and using spectral datasets. This information is one of the main in the application of remote sensing of the Earth and the planets. The authors are preparing the study in relation to a project funded by Contract № KP-06-M27/2 with the Bulgarian National Scientific Fund /BNSF/.

remote sensing, spectrometric measurements, spectral data, spectral library

X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, DOI: https://doi.org/10.48368/bgs-2021.1.N12

Author information:
Author: Denitsa Borisova
E-mail: dborisova@stil.bas.bg
Affiliation: Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS

Author: Doyno Petkov
Affiliation: Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS

Author: Ventzeslav Dimitrov
Affiliation: Space Research and Technology Institute – BAS

The study was conducted in connection with a project funded under Contract № KP-06-M27 / 2 with Bulgarian National Scientific Fund.

How to cite:
Borisova, D., Petkov, D., & Dimitrov, V. (2021). Дългосрочно ползване на данни от дистанционни спектрални измервания. X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, p. 106-110. https://doi.org/10.48368/BGS-2021.1.N12