Determination of deformations of the Earth's crust by DInSAR occurred after the earthquake in the Larissa region on March 3 2021

Mila Atanasova, Hristo Nikolov

Earthquakes are a natural disaster, causing damage that is measured by human lives and destruction of natural and infrastructural sites. Direct consequences of their occurrence cause activation of landslides, ruptures and vibrations of the Earth’s surface, tsunamis, etc. In this study, we focused on determining the surface deformation that occurred after the Mw 6.0 earthquake as registered by NOA and USGS /, which occurred on March 3, 2021 at 20 km northwest of the Greek city of Larissa. A valuable source of data on the current state of large land areas of the ground surface is the EU’s Copernicus program. One of its components is the two-satellite Sentinel-1 mission, which provides synthesized aperture radar (SAR) data. Based on their data it is possible to determine the deformations of the Earth’s crust. In this study, they were used to determine the parameters of deformations caused by a series of earthquakes. SAR data were used to produce information regarding the ground displacements that have occurred after the earthquakes by creating interferometric images from them.

DinSAR, deformations of the Earth’s crust, earthquake

X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, DOI:

Author information:
Author: Mila Atanasova
Affiliation: National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS, str. Acad. G. Bonchev, bl. 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

Author: Hristo Nikolov
Affiliation: Institute of Space Research and Technology – BAS

How to cite:
Atanasova, M., & Nikolov, H. (2021). Определяне на деформациите на земната кора посредством DInSAR настъпили след земетресението в района Лариса от 3 март. X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, p. 18-25.