Seismic events registered in the glacier Perunika on Livingston Island

Dragomir Dragomirov, Gergana Georgieva, Lilia Dimitrova

Glaciers can be perceived as huge rivers, that flow thank to gravitational forces. In response to driving stresses applied as a result of three independent processes occurring in the glacial flow – inner deformations, basal sliding and soft bed deformations the glaciers move. As a result of this movement, seismic events, called “icequakes”, constantly occur in the ice. These events range in frequency, duration and strength. Seasonal variations in the number of detected events are observed. This paper will present data from seismic events registered by the Bulgarian seismic station (LIVV) on Livingston Island in Antarctica and the results from research of the seismic activity from glaciers in the region. The epicenters of events with clear phases are determined.

icequakes, glacier, basal sliding, inner deformations, Livingston

X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, DOI:

Author information:
Author: Dragomir Dragomirov
Affiliation: Physics Faculty at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Author: Gergana Georgieva
Affiliation: Physics Faculty at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

Author: Lilia Dimitrova
Affiliation: National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography – BAS, str. Acad. G. Bonchev, bl. 3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria

How to cite:
Dragomirov, D., Georgieva, G., & Dimitrova, L. (2021). Сеизмични събития регистрирани в ледник Перуника на остров Ливингстън. X National Geophysical Conference, 4th June 2021, p. 26-32.