Resource assessment of gas hydrate deposits in the Black Sea

Atanas Vasilev, Ivan Genov, Rositsa Pehlivanova, Eva Marinovska

The Black Sea is among the most promising areas for the formation of significant gas hydrate deposits due to the low salinity of the waters, a powerful sedimentary complex and extensive deep-sea buried paleodeltas. The new data and results of complex geophysical and geochemical studies within the framework of European and national projects are the basis for a new resource assessment of gas hydrates in the Black Sea. Considered one of the most suitable for exploitation in Europe, the Bulgarian gas hydrate field is located in the region of the deep-water border with Romania. The new resource assessment of gas hydrates in the Black Sea with a focus on the Bulgarian sector, as well as on basic parameters of the deposits such as area, volume, pressure, temperature, porosity saturation with hydrates and free gas, is the result of geophysical research during the last 10 years.

gas hydrates, methane, resources, Black Sea

XI National Geophysical Conference, 9th June 2023, DOI: 10.48368/bgs-2023.1.N7

Author information:
Author: Atanas Vasilev
Affiliation: Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Author: Ivan Genov
Affiliation: Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Author: Rositsa Pehlivanova
Institute of Oceanology – Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Author: Eva Marinovska
Affiliation: Sofia University „St. Kliment Ohridski”

The research is within two projects:
• Scientific Research Fund project KP-06-OPR04/7 GEOHydrate: Geothermal evolution of marine deposits of gas hydrates – Danube paleodelta, Black Sea (2018–2023);
• EC H2020 project 101000518 DOORS: Developing Optimal and Open Research Support for the Black Sea (2021–2025).

How to cite:
Vasilev, A., Genov, I., Pehlivanova, R., & Marinovska, E. (2023). Ресурсна оценка на газхидратни находища в Черно море. XI National Geophysical Conference, 9th June 2023.